Celebrating Women's Golf Month: Brittany Casper
Showcasing a standout contender on her journey to the World Championship.

As Women's Golf Month continues, we want to showcase Brittany Casper, an eager Golden Tee player from Warren, Michigan. Brittany's journey in the Golden Tee community has shown her dedication and passion, and the strong relationships she's built along the way.

Brittany started her Golden Tee journey in July of 2017. Since then, she has played in six tournaments in Michigan and has competed in five National Golden Tee Tour tournaments Presented by Power Events (PEGT). When asked about her favorite course, Brittany named Rattlesnake Ridge quickly. "I'm still in shock that this is a remastered course," Brittany explained. "It's one of the few courses with multiple driveable par 5s!" For Brittany, the heart of Golden Tee tournaments is the people. "I'm a huge social butterfly," she said. "The relationships developed throughout the years is what keeps me coming back, especially since we all live in different states." That bond is what keeps each tournament special, with companionship and friendships formed.

Winning the second Women's PEGT tournament and becoming the second woman to attend the World Championships was a monumental achievement for Brittany. Reflecting on her victory in Florida 2023, she said, "The moment I made that final putt on Easter 18, I was able to let go of all the emotions I had that day. To be the second lady on that World stage this year is going to be extremely empowering and hopefully inspire more ladies to play." Managing the pressure of competitive play is something Brittany continues to work on. In Florida, she found comfort in music and made a special playlist of nine songs, which she plays on repeat for each match. Meditating by the hotel pool on Sunday mornings also helped to soothe her nerves.

Brittany has had very few challenges as a woman in the Golden Tee community. "When I first started playing at tournaments, I had my hesitations, but quickly threw those out the window once I saw how respectful the majority of the guys are," she noted. "I always feel like I'm with family." Brittany claims that her approach to the game is constantly evolving in response to all those around her. "Whether it's playing with friends, watching streams on YouTube, or in the Players Lounge on Discord, the influences are everywhere," she said. She encourages other women not to be shy and to ask anyone to play a round. "This is a caring community. We are always willing to play a round and possibly learn a thing or two from each other."

Playing Golden Tee as a couple had a new addition to Brittany's relationship with her partner, John Churchill (Florida 2024 Pink Bracket Winner). "We lift each other to improve every time we play and enjoy the competitiveness," she explained. Although he usually wins during their head-to-head matches, it has posed a good challenge for Brittany and brought extra fun. She recalled how John has beaten her four times in Michigan tournaments. Brittany also boasts the mentorship role and how she always feels privileged to offer support to the other female members of the gaming community. "I love all the ladies of Golden Tee and always try to be in their corner cheering them on," she expressed. "I'm always willing to play a round with them, teach them something, or even learn from them!"

Although it's a prideful moment in her life to win the ladies' tournament and have her pass to Worlds, Brittany actually cherishes her first PEGT tournament in Nashville 2021. "It was my birthday, and I ended up taking 6th place in the pink bracket," she said of the experience. The amount of support that has come from the Golden Tee community has been overwhelming to Brittany. "Whether it's an issue with my home edition, gameplay, or in-person support, I am always thankful for this wonderful community!"

When asked who she hopes will win the World Championships, besides herself, Brittany expressed excitement for new champions. "Last year, I was thrilled for my previous qualifying partner Paul Tayloe taking the crown, and now I'm ready for another first-timer!"

Brittany Casper's journey in the Golden Tee community is a testament to the power of passion and the supportive bonds formed through the game. In the future, Brittany is very excited for Golden Tee to bring back driveable par 5s. She also asks the developers to listen to user feedback regarding any remasters of previous courses.

As we celebrate Women's Golf Month, Brittany's story inspires us to embrace the joy of the game and the community it fosters.

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