Celebrating Women's Golf Month: Mary Clarke
A champion of charity and community.

June is Women's Golf Month, and Women's Golf Day is celebrated all over the world during this time. This year, we are proud to feature Mary Clarke, one of the bright lights in the world of women in Golden Tee community. Her story, dedication to the game, and passion are very inspiring for players and spectators. Here, she tells it all: her experiences and her insights into the world of Golden Tee.

Mary's first decent into Golden Tee came at the NIV in Richmond, Va. "It was the last tournament held at Baja Bean by Jefe," she said. "It holds a lot of sentimental value for me." That was years ago now and Mary has since attended over a dozen tournaments, all of which have added to her experience and passion for the game. Her favorite course? "Red Sands," she says, "It's special because it is the course where Todd Clarke, her husband, qualified for his 2024 World Championship pass. Being the total dork that I am, I'm super supportive of my man."

Being part of a Golden Tee couple adds an interesting dimension to the experience for Mary. "It's always nice to be associated with your best friend, isn't it?" she says. Every tournament turns into a shared adventure since they both love the game.

There are two things that keep Mary coming back to Golden Tee tournaments: the support for her husband and their charity work, Play More Give Back. "First and foremost, I support my husband and best friend," she said. "Second, our charity supports and gives back to the communities and players where we reside and play Golden Tee. The Golden Tee community has been so wonderful and supportive. I feel very blessed to be part of this community." You can find more info about the Play More Give Back charity on their Facebook page.

Mary's love for charity is evident in the biggest moment of her Golden Tee career: supporting the cause and making $10,000 for Second Harvest Food Bank in Nashville, TN. "We volunteered there, too, along with several other places. That was fun! And I was so thankful for all the support from the community."

Mary has a message for women looking to break into the world of Golden Tee: "Don't be afraid to participate! The ladies in the community are WONDERFUL! They are warm and welcoming. I would encourage them to attend and just tell one person you're new. They'll walk you around and introduce you to others. Definitely seek me out and we'll hang. The other players are patient with new players." Mary also shared with us how she supports and mentors other woman in gaming. "The main example of me supporting other females in the community is related more to encouragement during gameplay. Sometimes a little bit of encouragement is all we need during stressful times."

Asked what changes or features she'd like to see in Golden Tee, "I think better marketing and promotion to expand the game, especially with the partnership with PGA." And what does she hope for at the upcoming 2024 Golden Tee World Championship? "Besides Todd Clarke winning it all, I'd love to see Brandon Robinson or Jamie Arrington win. I'm a huge fan of the movie 'Rudy,' so I'm all about rooting for the underdogs!"

What could be seen as a testament to their dedication, passion, and community spirit of Golden Tee, Mary Clarke's journey is a case for inspiration to all lady golfers. Her story is one that holds joy and impact, which reflects the essence of being part of this great sport.


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