February Fashion Boost
More Than 70 New Clothing Items Added to Golden Tee 2017!

Did I win everything already?

Each year, this question is asked time and time again—typically a few months after a new installment of Golden Tee hits the streets. The “everything” is referencing, of course, the robust catalog of new clothing items that comes with a new update. At some point, after many, many games, they just stop coming.

The typical ritual used to be to put everything out there to be won all at once—excluding a few Caddy exclusive items. But that is not the case this year. And for those who thought they won all the clothing available on the game, more than 70 new unlockable items have been added to Golden Tee 2017.

From jerseys to emojis to gym shorts and more, these new items can be obtained the good ol’ fashion way: by playing games, hitting holes-in-one and knocking in birdies and eagles.

These items have been available on the Caddy for purchase all along, but NOT on the game. That changed on February 1.

Once you’ve unlocked all these items; you’re not done. We have yet another batch of clothing items to add in the coming months. (Shout out to the amazing GT artists for their incredible overtime work, and no I’m not just saying this because I think you’ll be reading this. Okay, maybe just a little bit, but seriously, thanks.)

All of these items and more are available all-year round on the GT Caddy for modest purchase prices. But for those who want to win clothes the good ol’ fashion way, now you can on your local Golden Tee 2017 cabinet.

More items than ever before—72 in total—are waiting to be revealed and unlocked right now.

So what are you waiting for? Go unlock them.


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