I played Kangaroo Trail the other day. For those of you who are new to this whole thing, Kangaroo Trail is a Golden Tee LIVE original—a 2005 course.
This is not a groundbreaking statement. Good for you, you played an old course. Nice job.
But here’s the thing: Kangaroo Trail was different. The experience was much, much different. I was able to hit shots I haven’t been able to hit in more than 10 years. I was able to do things that have never been done. Not yet, at least.
In Golden Tee 2017, for the first time ever, you will be able to use Golden Tees on courses that did not previous allow tees to be used. For those who use tees regularly, you’ll understand what an enormous change this is.
Before we get into what means, let me honestly tell you that the scoring and strategy on these courses is about to change. They almost feel brand new.
Every course in Golden Tee can now be played with tees. The reason we’re doing this isn’t some groundbreaking “now is the time!” moment. When we started playing around with custom 18-hole creations for Freaky Friday, we explored the possibility.
Once we discovered a solution for dealing with some of the smaller, different tee boxes, we decided to roll this change out to all other game modes.
Of course, you’ll still be all about the new courses. We get that. But now, when you need some variety, when the older holes surface in Freaky Friday, you’ll have a new arsenal of tools at your disposal moving forward.