It is here that you will see the first images of Golden Tee 2017—a tipping point when it comes to coverage of the latest and greatest in the game you love, the first of many, many stories that will showcase the treasures to come.
Goodness gracious, friends. Get excited. We certainly are. And to celebrate, we begin right where we left off last time we spoke—right at “The Knee.”
After exploring Dan Croutch’s Design-a-Hole winning submission, a par-5 that perfectly balanced practicality and creativity, we are now throwing you on the hole as it undergoes its Golden tee transformation.
And as you can tell from the side-by-side, things are looking rather familiar.

“The Knee,” which has no ties to any specific location in its makeup, will find a home in Colorado Springs—a fascinating spot that will offer up a combination of elements unique from any spot in Golden Tee history.
Now, many of you have probably sprinted past this text to the images. Understandable. But for those who have read all the way through, please keep in mind that this is not final.
The makeup is there and the elements have been added, but there will be tweaks, landscape additions, modifications, etc. This is an early look—the earliest of looks, in fact—of a hole that will test you late in your round.
That’s enough blabbering. You’re here for the images. Behold “The Knee,” and our first-ever screen shots of 2017.