It's officially the middle of August. It's almost the end of summer for most people, as kids get ready to go back to school and people start dreading the incoming cold weather. But, here at Golden Tee, things are just heating up as we're inching closer and closer to update season!
Golden Tee 2018 launches in a little over a month and there is still so much juicy content to share with all of you. Today, we're opening up the flood gates on this year's Design-a-Hole winner, The Old Mill by Dave Rhoades.
Rhoades' design was picked over hundreds of submissions to be a playable hole in Golden Tee 2018. The bragging rights will never end for Dave when playing our German course Rhineland.
Currently Hole 11, there a still little tweaks that may be made by Jim Z and co. after shot data in collected in our 2018 beta and pre-release. The Hole moving from spot number 11 is always a possibility.
It may be a while before you can enjoy the thrills of playing The Old Mill, but for now, enjoy a few beauty shots of our 2018 Design-a-Hole winner.