To the Bank
Behold a Wild, Weird and Wildly Entertaining Ace on Desert Valley

Being bad isn’t good enough. Now, being really bad—I’m talking off-the-mark, hit-it-off-the-moon bad—can sometimes lead to special moments. That might not make sense just yet, but it will after you watch the video below.

Occasionally, the YouTube Gods deliver us some unexpected absurdity the likes we’ve never seen. This is one of those moments; I promise, you have never seen this shot before.

“But you’re rewarding bad shots by showing them,” the man in the back said.

You bet we are, buddy. If you can be just bad enough, you can pull up a chair here. Oh, and we appreciate really good shots every now and then, too. But in the end, we all just want to be entertained.

That brings me to this: a bit of ricochet wizardry on Desert Valley that you will likely have to watch more than once. Enjoy, and keep those good, bad shots coming. 

Golden Tee PGA TOUR 2024
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