We want you to look good this New Year’s Eve, which is why we’re obligated to remind you of the variety of NYE gear available in Golden Tee.
Nothing screams 2015 like an enormous hat with a dollar sign on it; it’s going to be your year.
To unlock any of the items below, simply hit the options button during any LIVE game and highlight and select “Give Away Code.” From there, here’s what you should enter.
Type in 12ACED2011 (The number twelve, the word "aced" and 2011) and you will receive a slick pair of pants and a matching shirt, perfect for the occasion. Type it in twice for both items.
Type in 0520102010 (a zero, a five, and then 2010, 2010) and you will receive one of three other New Year’s clothing items to complete a lovely white tux. The giveaway code may be entered three times to complete the entire outfit.
Throw 'em on an celebrate the end of the year in style. And be sure to stay tuned to Goldentee.com for new giveaway items. We have some exciting things right around the corner.
Happy New Year from your friends at Incredible Technologies!