Nothing screams the holiday season quite like a vintage Christmas sweater, one so horrifically corny and magnificent that it can be seen from space. Perhaps you own one or 30 of these items, and if you do, that’s wonderful decision making on your part.
What you don’t own, however, is a Christmas sweater in Golden Tee.
Allow me to rephrase that: You didn’t own a Christmas sweater in Golden Tee. You do now. (Also, this one doesn't have long sleeves which makes it even more awesome.)
The latest Holiday Giveaway Code is live in Golden Tee 2015, and you can unlock this magnificent thread excellence simply by playing an online game. Just hit the options button, highlight and select “Giveaway Code” and enter the following when prompted.
Yes, that’s the number 38 followed by this year’s Christmas date. Once you do, you’ll immediately unlock the Christmas sweater and it will be added to your virtual wardrobe. Toss it on, and you’ll be fit to play your favorite game in holiday style.
Enjoy the code, enjoy the holidays and be sure to stay tuned to Goldentee.com for more giveaways.