Coming to 2015: Classic Course of the Week
Soon You'll Be Able to Play Vintage Golden Tee Courses For Prize Play

Breaking News: Classic Course of the Week’ is being retired. Its replacement will be none other than…

Classic Course of the Week.

Now, this all will make some sense momentarily. But before we can dive into this exciting new Prize Play addition to Golden Tee 2015, we must explain how and why this change is being made.

As it stands right now—and I mean, right now, at this very moment—you are enjoying Classic Course of the Week. We’ve run this contest over the past three summers, awarding free Golden Tees and bragging rights for top scores that come in Glory or Stats Play on a variety of vintage Jim Zielinski creations. Each week the course changes, but again, you know all of this by now.

It’s a wonderful way to bridge the gap to the new update—in this instance, Golden Tee 2015—but it’s also limited. Up until now, there have been no real game-side changes (other than messages sent to the game). The blunt of this work took place on our Online Leaderboard, which is a popular hangout these days.

All of that is about to change with the launch of Golden Tee 2015. Well, sorta.

Starting sometime next year—date TBD—you will be able to play classic courses for prizes on Golden Tee 2015. That’s right; you’ll be able to compete against the trackball world, just like you would in normal prize play, but on the gorgeous vintage gems.

It won’t launch of the game later this month, which shouldn’t be a problem. You’ll be far too busy mastering the new courses. But some time in 2015, that will all change. We will announce when Classic Course of the Week will start, and BOOM, your cabinet will ready for a trip in the trackball time machine.

Stay tuned. There is much more to come (but it is on the way).

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