Rory McIlroy Goes Golden Tee
Yes, a Human Bring Actually Drove a 436-Yard Par-4

Only a select few have ever driven a 436-yard green in Golden Tee. To accomplish this, one must get the perfect setup—a wind that could almost blow your virtual golfer over—and a hole conducive to this kind of achievement.

It’s rare, but it has happened. Take this, for example.

En route to a (-7) 64, however, Rory McIlroy accomplished this feat in real golf, on a real golf course using only Nike equipment and NOT Streak golf balls, or so we assume.

Playing at Royal Aberdeen in Scotland, McIlroy became an honorary trackball champ when he delivered this shot with a helpful wind—perhaps “rocket-engine wind” is more appropriate—and a steep downhill fairway.

That doesn't make it any less easier to understand. After all, 436 yards is, well, 436 yards.

But it happened, even though nobody really understood what exactly just happened and if it was real, but to our knowledge it is. Congrats to McIlroy on becoming an honorary member of our Golden Tee club we just made up. After all, a 436-yard driven green has to be worth something.

Golden Tee PGA TOUR 2024
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