The Design-a-Hole Lineup
Which Design Do You Like Best? See the 10 Finalists Here!

The 10 Design-a-Hole finalists have been revealed, now it’s time for the next step. Before the 2015 winner is announced on Monday, May 19, the judges have work to do. And so do you.

Before we get to that, however, let’s get to this year’s batch of deserving finalists. If you’ve missed out on any of the designs up until this point, here they are below.

What’s next? The judges will spend the next week assessing your feedback and diving deeper into these creations to determine which best fits Golden Tee 2015. We’re also looking for more thoughts on which design YOU would like to see in the next game.

Here they are.

Design-a-Hole Finalist No. 1: Purgatory (Par-5) by Dave Rhoades
Design-a-Hole Finalist No. 2: Point of Entry (Par-5) by Eric Manfredi
Design-a-Hole Finalist No. 3: Devils Divide (Par-5) by Travis Hickman
Design-a-Hole Finalist No. 4: Maple Leaf (Par-5) by Dan Popp
Design-a-Hole Finalist No. 5: Long Shot (Par-5) by Josh Sokol
Design-a-Hole Finalist No. 6: Caterpillar (Par-5) by Chris Rice
Design-a-Hole Finalist No. 7: The Boomerang Hole (Par-4) by Brian Hill
Design-a-Hole Finalist No. 8: A Path Less Traveled (Par-5) by Jason Thomason
Design-a-Hole Finalist No. 9: Bear Valley (Par-4) by Tony Snow
Design-a-Hole Finalist No. 10: Choose Wisely (Par-4) By Brad Boan

So what do you think? Post your thoughts below or at

Although we'll be announcing the winner on Monday, May 19, we'll narrow down the finalists to three on Friday, May 16! Stay tuned to for more!

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