Let’s just say that for one round, everything came together.
You didn’t miss a single shot, you got a hole-in-one on every possible hole, and you put together the greatest round in the history of PowerPutt LIVE.
It sounds impossible, and perhaps it is, but we’ve seen rounds that have at least approached this on a few of the new courses. -30 is ridiculous, -34 – which has been done in Daily Contests – well, that’s bordering the impossible. It is, however, very possible, it’ll just take one hell of a round.
Good bounces, no, GREAT bounces, and every shot has to be perfect. Well, what say you?
What is the ultimate round on the Egyptian delicacy King Putt’s Tomb, you ask?
Here’s what it would look like.
Hole One: Par-3 -- Score: -2
Hole Two: Par-3 -- Score: -4
Hole Three: Par-3 -- Score: -6
Hole Four: Par-3 -- Score: -8
Hole Five: Par-3 -- Score: -10
Hole Six: Par-3 -- Score: -12
Hole Seven: Par-3 -- Score: -14
Hole Eight: Par-4 -- Score: -17
Hole Nine: Par-3 -- Score: -19
Hole Ten: Par-3 -- Score: -21
Hole Eleven: Par-3 -- Score: -23
Hole Twelve: Par-3 -- Score: -25
Hole Thirteen: Par-4 -- Score: -28
Hole Fourteen: Par-3 -- Score: -30
Hole Fifteen: Par-4 -- Score: -33
Hole Sixteen: Par-3 -- Score: -35
Hole Seventeen: Par-3 -- Score: -37
Hole Eighteen: Par-3 -- Score: -39
So there you have it. -39 (!!!!!!!!!) is the highest the bar can go. How close can you get to it?
We’ll have more regarding the best possible rounds on each course in the future, so stay tuned. Actually, go practice. We’d LOVE to write about YOUR perfect game of LIVE.
If you’re still trying to find a PowerPutt LIVE game near you, check out Find-a-Game!