Big Game Super Sale
The Golden Tee Home Edition is on Sale, Just in Time For Your Super Bowl Party

The football season is rapidly coming to a close, which means we’re gearing up for the Super Bowl, and more specifically, Super Bowl parties.

Unless you’re a fan of either of the two teams that will be playing on Sunday, February 5th, chances are you’ll be focused on things like beer, or the commercials, perhaps squares, and yes, maybe the game here and there as well. This day, however, is about the party and we’re here to make 2012 the year of the party.

To celebrate this glorious day, Golden Tee is offering up the BIG GAME SUPER SALE on all Golden Tee Home Editions starting now and ending the Friday before the Super Bowl. If you’ve been thinking about getting the game you know and love for your man cave, now might be the perfect opportunity to do so.

The game can be yours for a special Super Bowl price, and that’s not all. You'll also receive six Golden Tee shirts along with a $100 Golden Tee LIVE Gift Card for when you leave your man cave and decide to head to the bar. If you're already a Home Edition owner but know of someone that might be interested in the game, your referral could earn you rewards as well. We are now offering a $100 referral gift card bonus on all home unit sales.

THIS is the year to throw the Super Bowl party that will live on, and owning your favorite game isn’t a bad idea idea either if football isn’t your thing.

For more on how to tackle (I'm sorry, I couldn't help myself) this sale, be sure to contact us! Also be sure to check out the Golden Tee Home Unit website for all the important details you need and stay tuned to for more!

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