The Umbrella Factor
Examining How These Sun Blockers Have Had An Impact on Errant Drives in Golden Tee

Two things are very prevalent after sorting through YouTube uploads from Golden Tee 2009 versus 2012. The graphics and upload capabilities have gotten A LOT (can't stress that word enough) better, and umbrellas can still be a very valuable ricochet device if you happen to be a little off the mark.

The first infamous umbrella-aided YouTube debuted back in GT 2009 on the Bonnie Moor 18th. If you happened to come up short on this one while reaching the green, you were either in the pool or going OB. Unless, of course, you got some help from one of these perfectly placed virtual props.

A few years later, the umbrella returns. Once again situated on a closing hole.

Enter: The Dusty Bend 18th in Golden Tee 2012. Another pool is now in play, which means the umbrellas return as well. Just over a week and change into the 2012 era and already we’ve seen what these are capable of if your shot happens to go slightly astray. Or perhaps this is a realistic strategy to attempt on purpose?

Something tells me this isn’t the last we’ve seen of the umbrellas on this hole, although I imagine a few thousand virtual balls will deposited as well.

The umbrella factor in Golden Tee lives on.

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