The Pinnacle of Dunks
A Super, Super Albatross That You’ll Want to Watch Again and Again

We go through long stretches where we don’t say a YouTube moment that warrants true Shot of the Year consideration. In the past week, however, we’ve witnessed two shots that will be in the SOTY contenders even though they couldn’t be further apart in style and execution.

Our first entry is perhaps the luckiest shot we will see from 2011, and is one we featured just a short while back. This bridge-aided hole-in-one looked more like pinball than Golden Tee, but it worked out just fine in the end.

As for our next feature shot, well, this is one of the more amazing dunks in the history of the game. A hole-in-one on a par-5 is amazing enough, but when you’re able to do it in this kind of fashion it elevates the effort to an entirely different level.

Enjoy, and you can expect to see this again in the near future.

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