You can't talk about the Wisconsin Open without mention of the nationally recognized Sussex Bowl and its proprietor, Mr. Stephen Hoehnen. With laser focus, and a heart of gold, he and his team's efforts have turned this long-running Midwest even into a huge draw for players across the country.
Stephen wasn't always a die hard Golden Tee fan (see: banger), with a casual career at Sporties Sports Bar in Waukesha, WI. 2008 changed that, like so many other things.
David Crawford approached him about hosting a live GT event, and in his own words "I did everything I could to avoid him.", but David was persistent and able to convince Stephen of the potential of the game and community.
The very first Wisconsin Open at Sussex Bowl (Pre PEGT involvement) went down in 2011, with roughly 40 players showing up to compete.
Stephen was instrumental in brining the tourney into the PEGT fold, making the trek to St. Louis in April 2017, in an attempt to sway Steve Sobel into backing the competition.
"I ultimately left St. Louis thinking it wasn't going to happen", but a follow up call from Mr. Sobel would prove otherwise. It was happening.
2018 brought their first National #GoldenTee Tour sanctioned event and nearly 100 players showed up to be a part of it. Six years later, and attendance has never dipped below triple digits.
One thing that sets Wisconsin apart from other National #GoldenTee Tour events is the unmatched service and support from the Sussex Bowl squad, who deliver a "slabs and crabs" special on Championship Sunday, when they break out the surf and turf for players who wish to partake.
The tradition was started when Marc "The Mouth" Mucklewicz handed Stephen a substantial stack of cash, telling him to cook up a mess of steak and lobster for anyone who wanted some.
Sussex Bowl has its fair share of Golden Tee regulars, including Kirk Stimpert and Jason Reader, and you might catch GT vets like Clint Grover, Mark Gomez, Dave Sandmire, or Adam Fitzgerald rolling a few on the resident cabs.
"We also have some regular bar customers who enjoy playing on the machines. So, between all of this, they are occupied almost at all times. We wanted to make sure our Golden Tee players had a comfortable spot to play so we relocated our machines in the bar. We also offer drink incentives for our Golden Tee players based on their level of play per week."
Not only a pillar of the Golden Tee community, Stephen is held in high esteem in his local community as well. When asked about his philanthropic ways, Stephen explained that there has hardly ever been a time where they turn down something for a local school, team or group. He's proud to serve his community with more than just a good time.
"We look forward to this tournament, the Golden Tee community is a great group of people and we enjoy hosting them each year."
We cant wait to join you each and every year, Stephen. Godspeed on the good times, sir.