Coming This Friday: Freaky Friday!
We Kickoff Our Weekly Daily Contest Madness With a 2017 Scramble

The wait is almost over. This Friday, October 21, a new era will arrive.

Freaky Fridays, our custom 18-holes creations, will officially debut on the Daily Contest.

For those who are hearing about the feature for the first time, here is synopsis: each and every Friday, we will introduce a new theme. Every. Single. One.

Some, like this week, will be scrambles from particular years. We’re kicking things off a 2017 Scramble, and we will explain more momentarily. Others—including the following week’s design—will have elaborate and unusual themes. (Think Halloween.)

Whatever we decide to do, we have 60 courses and more than 1,000 holes to pick from. And we plan to use a ton of them throughout this process. You will play a new course each and every week.

All you have to do is visit your local watering hole each Friday, play the Daily Contest and you will be thrown onto something different. Something fun. Something hard. Something wild.

And it all starts this week—this Friday—with our 2017 Scramble. Want to see what the first six holes will look like? Here’s a taste and a bit more about the feature. 


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