It’s not just the start of a new year of Golden Tee with 2017 being played by masses. It’s the start of a new month, too.
Why is that important, you ask?
Because a new era of Golden Tee World Rankings is upon us.
Yes, our favorite monthly exercise isn’t going anywhere. The only difference is that we will now be taking your five best scores from the 2017 courses rather than the 2016 creations.
For those new to this exercise, here’s how it works. Each month we rank players based off of their five best scores on the current courses.
We take those five scores and average them together to get one definitive number. We then take the Great Shot Points from those games and total them up. This figure serves as the tiebreaker.
Once you post a score for all five courses—in Prize Play, Online Contests, Stats Play and now Player Invitationals—you will get a World Ranking. That’s it. Easy as that.
Come November 1, the rankings will reset and we’ll start over again.
The more you play and the better scores you post, the lower your total average score will get and the higher you can climb.
You can stay current on your Golden Tee World Ranking on LIVEWIRE or by seeing where you stack up on your GT Caddy home screen. Speaking of, download the GT Caddy if you haven’t yet.
And get ready for a new way to compete on the new courses.