This year’s Design-a-Hole Contest has entered the next phase, which is without a doubt the most important part. Dan Croutch’s creation, The Knee, is currently undergoing its transformation into Golden Tee 2017.
The submission portion came and went. The finalists were explored, dissected and reexamined. And while we could stop there, we would be missing out on a handful of notable submissions from the contest that was.
That’s what this week-long series is for. Over the next five days, we’re going to be highlighting some of our favorite submissions that did not make the top 10 this year: from the wild, to the extreme, to the hilarious, to the designs that were crafted from the heart, we want to celebrate the exceptional efforts that fell short of being a finalist but still made an impression nonetheless.
We begin by highlighting a design that generated more laughter than any other in our finalist sessions.
And yet, what’s most interesting about “Veronica,” Dave Rhoades lovely par-4, is it combines the uniqueness of a wild idea and also makes it a very playable golf hole. It is both funny and brilliant; it is wild, unusual and completely possible. Dave went into this design knowing it likely wouldn't be chosen, but he was thrilled to share it with us regardless.
Although it was not selected to be a finalist, it will live on in discussions for years to come. This is also a solid time to note that one of Rhoades’ other designs, “Lone Tree Hill,” cracked the top three. Too much creativity for one man, it seems.
Here it (she?) is. Say hello to Veronica, and be sure not to spend too much time staring at her, uh, bunkers.