Test Your Game
Don't Miss the Rushmore Challenge This Thursday; $500 Added on Black Hills

When I say “Black Hills,” what’s the first word that comes to mind?

To some, it’s probably some sort of elaborate obscenity. To others, it’s, well, a different elaborate obscenity. And to many who recognize the beauty of this course—without question one of the more challenging and thought-provoking LIVE courses ever made—it’s something far more welcoming.

Regardless of where you fall on the welcoming spectrum, you can tackle Black Hills this Thursday, May 19, in a special Daily Contest event.

The Rushmore Challenge is not just putting Black Hills in the Daily; we’re also adding $500 to the overall prize pool, pushing the starting total to $1,600. The more play that comes in, the more it will grow. You can play Black Hills as many times as you please—or as many times as it takes. The top 400 finishers will walk away with cash prizes.

Now is the time to conquer your fears, if such fears exist. Now is the time to test your game against a gem, if Black Hills is new to you. Now is the time to take the Rushmore Challenge.

Let’s do it. See you on Thursday.


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