What We're Thankful For
Happy Thanksgiving! Here's a Turkey For Your Head

What a glorious holiday this is. 

At Golden Tee, we are thankful for many things, one of those things is your constant interest and support for the best game ever made. We can't thank you enough; you have made Golden Tee what it is today.

We are thankful for YOU. (Don't make this weird, just go with it.)

Also, we come with gifts. How does a turkey for your head sound?

To unlock this amazing headwear item (seen above), simply press 28F00D2013 at any point during a Golden Tee LIVE game. Hit the options button at any point in a game, select “Giveaway Code” put in 28F00D2013, and you’ll have access to this item.

You can also unlock the pilgrim outfit, which has been around a while longer. To get the shirt and pants—to go along with the hat that is already available in the game—simply type in 13FEEDF00D twice. (Once for the shirt and once for the pants.)

Have a wonderful Thanksgiving, and we hope you eat as much as possible and then some.


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