Anything But Rocky
We Guarantee You’ve Never Seen the Grand Canyon 9th Aced Like This

As we plug away on recaps for the Dallas Holiday Classic and Player of the Year tournaments, we thought we’d take a brief timeout to share with you one of our favorite shots of 2011.

Chances are you’ve gone for the green on the Grand Canyon 9th, failed, and been forced to try it all over again. Raise your hand if that has happened?

[raises both hands]

Now, MOST of the time when you hit any part of the canyon wall on the left, you’re in trouble. Sometimes, however, the Golden Tee Gods have other plans for your tee shots that might go astray.

Take this lovely effort for example, which you will most certainly see in early January when we start to crown our Shot of the Year.

Golden Tee PGA TOUR 2024
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