Welcome, one and all, to another year of the Design-a-Hole Contest.
After opening up our submission doors to the Golden Tee world, it’s time to highlight the 10 finalists that caught our judges’ attention.
First, a giant thank you to the Golden Tee community. We received over 200 designs this year—an all-time high—and we want to thank everyone who took time to design their hole and submit it. Your hard work and passion is why we run this event year after year. It’s what fuels this contest. So seriously, thank you for all that you do.
Now, to the finals.
One of the 10 designs that will be showcased over the course of 10 days—Monday thru Friday over the next two weeks—will become a playable hole in Golden Tee 2019, our 30th Anniversary edition. This winner will also receive their very own Golden Tee Home Edition and the opportunity to design their own Freaky Friday course.
The stakes are high for those still left, and now they (well, we) need your help.
We want you to post your feedback on all finalists on the Golden Tee Facebook and Twitter pages.
What do you like about a design? What do you love? What would you do differently?
While course designer Jim Zielinski will ultimately have the final say, we will take all feedback and use it in one final judges meeting to determine a top three and eventually a winner.
So let’s get going and begin with our first finalist.
We kick things off with Big Bender, a par-5 courtesy of Brian Hill.
Click on each image to enlarge and be sure to read Jamie’s description below!

Big bender is a par 5 for those who love to hit the big curve shots! Players wanting to reach this green in two must hit a big left to right curve reaching the end of the fairway leaving a slight right to left curve shot to a right slopped green surrounded by water and bunkers.
Players who over curve the tee shot will end up in a deep bunker.
Those who under curve it will still have a chance to skip the ball off the water back onto the fairway possibly leaving the straightest shot to the green.
Distances marked on the fairway represent distance remaining to the middle of green.