Take Your Shot
Money $hot's $500 Added Special Event is Now LIVE!

Give it a shot, because quite honestly there really isn’t much to lose for a buck. I suppose we should start there with our 6/6 Shooter spectacular—today’s special Money $hot contest that is now live.

We’ve added $500 to the prize pool for today, which means we will kick things off at $1,300 rather than $800. There are huge prizes to be had at the top, and they will grow as more play comes in. The more people the play, the more the prize pool will inch upward.

When it’s all said and done—once 12:01 a.m. central time hits—there will be big cash prizes to pay out. And because the point of entry is only $1, this is worth going after. Play one game or play many; it doesn’t matter to us.

Play as many as it takes to get as close to that pin as possible.

So what are you waiting for? Go take the 6/6 Shooter challenge at your local GT 2016 cabinet to see where you stack up. Good luck!


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