In what will likely be the first of a handful of exciting new media endeavors, Golden Tee is now on Instagram, joining Facebook and Twitter as our your online hangouts away from Goldentee.com.
What can you expect here beyond general late-night weirdness involving Golden Tee machines? We’ll be covering live events, passing along images of our travels and also relaying some behind-the-scenes images from our headquarters.
On top of that, and perhaps more relevant to your interests, the Golden Tee Instagram account will serve as a hub for Golden Tee 2017.
Soon—as soon as next month—we will begin sharing some of the exciting items coming in the next update. This includes an in-depth look at some of the incredible new wardrobe options, course screen shots and more.
Now is the time to join the party at http://www.instagram.com/goldenteegolf. You can also search for Golden Tee Golf inside the app and find use that way. We start not by looking ahead, but rather starting at the game's roots.
Join us here and other places. Stay tuned to Goldentee.com to hear more about the exciting things we have in store!