As it turns out this week’s Daily Contest Throwback Thursday just so happens to fall on the lovely, bar-friendly Cinco de Mayo.
So, as you make plans for the days ahead, be sure to keep this Thursday clear. We’re heading to lovely Tahiti Cove for a little fun in the son, and we’re bringing you with us.
To participate, all you have to do is play the Daily anytime between 12:01 a.m. and 11:59 p.m. this Thursday. You’ll get as many cracks at Tahiti as you need—honing in on winds, pins and looks.
The top 400 scores at the end of the day, which hopefully features margaritas or other delectable drinks, will walk away winners. You know the drill by now. Or, well, you should.
Next week, we will do it all over again. This time we’ll head somewhere… springy. Find out where next week!