Live on Coral Vista!
The Daily Contest Throwback Thursday is at the Pool, at the Beach and Relaxing

You deserve that delicious beverage. You deserve that poolside chair. You deserve that view of the ocean and the magnificent golf course scattered throughout.

You deserve this Daily Contest Throwback Thursday—a trip back in time to the magnificent, vintage Coral Vista.

That name might be new to you. If so, have no fear. You are not alone. This 2005 creation—a LIVE original—has been in the circuit for some time. Don’t let the age fool you, however. This lovely little stop has a bit of everything.

Experience it for yourself today before midnight central on the Daily Contest. Play as many games as you please—honing in on winds, pins and setups. The top 400 players will walk away winners.

Next week, we’re off to a new Throwback destination. To learn where we’ll be heading next, tune into on Monday.

Enjoy that cocktail with the enormous umbrella. You have earned it.


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