We're Almost Mobile
An Update on Golden Tee Mobile; Plus, a Call For More Apple Beta Testers!

The anticipated arrival of Golden Tee Mobile is inching closer.

Yes, the game you fell in love with at the bar is headed to your cell phone and tablet. Ensuring that the game felt just right has been paramount. Countless hours have been spent ensuring that Golden Tee Mobile—even without the physical trackball—feels like the game you know.

To arrive to this moment, we’ve leaned on various dedicated Golden Tee players to provide us with regular, significant feedback on the various versions of the game. And now, we’re looking for another group of Apple users willing to help us with the beta testing process.

If you a) own and Apple device and b) are interested in playing Golden Tee Mobile before it is released, please email In this email, please specify your device (iPhone or iPad), the model (iPad 3, iPad Mini, iPhone 6, etc.) and also the current operating system. You will be asked to fill out some very quick information once invited.

At that point, you’ll be free to create some of these moments for yourself.

We will have much more on the launch of Golden Tee Mobile in the near future. In the meantime, visit for much more information on the game.


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