December Announcements
Looking to Cash Out This Month? Here are the Dates You Need to Know!

The month of December is busy, chaotic and you will undoubtedly check out early the final weeks of the month, just like always. In the world of your favorite trackball games, the holidays are altering up the normal monthly schedule.

Have some winnings in your Player Account you’d like to use for a little holiday shopping? Please take note of the following dates.

The cash out dates have changed for this month. Please get all cash out requests in by 11:59 pm on December 9 to be included in the first run. The next cash out will take place one week later—and the scenario is the same. All requests in this second run must be made by 11:59 pm on December 16.

From a customer service standpoint—cards requests, inquiries, emails, etc—we will attempt to respond to every email as fast as possible and also fulfill card orders as quickly as we can. Keep in mind, however, that the scheduling over the next month may delay these requests slightly.

Please stay tuned to LIVEWIRE for more announcements. Happy Holidays!

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