The time is upon us, friends.
Incredible Technologies and the Golden Tee team are very pleased to announce that Design-a-Hole submissions for 2025 are officially OPEN!
What is Design-a-Hole?
For the last 16 years, we've asked you, the players, to put on your thinking caps and take a swing at creating a GT worthy hole design.
The winning submission will earn its creator a place in the annals of Golden Tee history. Their design will be featured in one of the new courses coming to the next iteration of your favorite golf game AND a Golden Tee PGA TOUR Clubhouse Edition to call their very own, with prizes going to the top ten entries!
You don't have to be Rembrandt to get the attention of the DAH team, just offer up something that is both FUN and FUNCTIONAL!
How to Enter
Bust out your pencils, pens, markers, crayons, play-doh, chisel & stone...whichever medium suits you best, and get designing!
There are no limits to creativity here, so go wild with your creations!
Include a title and brief description with your DIY masterpiece, and specify if the hole is a Par-3, 4, or 5.
Submissions can be sent to:
or by mail at:
Design-A-Hole c/o
Incredible Technologies
1 Overlook Point, Suite 630
Lincolnshire, IL 60069
The official submission period for the 2025 Design-a-Hole competition ends on November 6th, 2023.
Selecting our Winners
The DAH team will convene after the submission period ends to review your handiwork, and select our top ten favorites.
The top ten will publish to LIVEWIRE and our social channels to give players an opportunity to weigh in, and make their voices heard.
We'll weigh the pros and cons of these elite ten over the next several days, before ultimately selecting the hole that'll grace Golden Tee 2025's release.
Winners will be announced beginning November 13th, 2023.
That's all for now, friends. Get your juices flowin', and start creating, golfers! We'll be back with more Design-a-Hole goodies and news to drop on you in the coming days and weeks!
Good luck and godspeed, golfers!