Mark Gomez: A Cinderella Story
We sat down with the 2024 World Champion


Mark Gomez leans against the Golden Tee arcade cabinet on stage at the Palms in Las Vegas during the 2024 Golden Tee World Championships. Overcome with emotion, he whispers to himself through tears. "YOU are the world champ." As confetti rains down and the crowd erupts in cheers, Gomez's tears of joy quickly turn into a broad smile as the reality of his achievement sinks in.



Around the stage, a gathering of the game's greatest players and some friendly faces from Wisconsin (with a chuckle) welcome Gomez with the hero's reception he so richly deserves. While he tries to fully absorb the moment, it's worth reflecting on how he arrived at this triumphant moment.

Flashback to qualifying on Saturday: Gomez felt a sense of defeat, realizing he hadn`t put forth his best effort and might be relegated to the silver bracket once again. As more scores rolled in, Gomez found himself unexpectedly in the lower end of the Championship Bracket.

"I was honestly shocked!" Gomez said. "I told myself I`d squeaked in and needed to make the most of it. I just focused on making a good run and playing my best. That's all I could do. Whatever happens after, happens."

Unbeknownst to Gomez, he was about to showcase a hidden talent for match play at the World Championship. Despite having lost only two matches ever at Worlds-both to 2023 World Champion Paul Tayloe-Gomez had dominated the silver bracket in 2023, proving he didnt belong there with an impressive victory. Despite some nerves, he reamined remarkably calm and collected on the grand stage.

When championship bracket play commenced on Sunday, 31 players stood in the way, all vying for the championship. One by one, they fell to Gomez, who played some of the best Golden Tee of his career, defeating notable players like John Daher, Chris Anthony, and James Hickey. 

In the winners’ quarterfinals, Gomez faced his nemesis, 2023 World Champion Paul Tayloe, who had been undefeated against him at Worlds. Tayloe faltered with a -25, and Gomez seized the opportunity, finishing with a -28 on South Pacific to advance. 

The King of the Hill match pitted Gomez against Andy Fox, who seemed to be enjoying a competitive resurgence and was considered a strong contender for the title. However, Gomez played flawlessly, defeating Fox after 11 holes of sudden death overtime, sending him to the losers side of the championship bracket. 

With the stage set for his final challenge, Gomez faced Paul Tayloe once again for the 2024 Golden Tee World Championship. Despite the high stakes, Gomez stayed composed and ultimately clinched victory in extra holes with a decisive putt. Mark Gomez was crowned the 2024 Golden Tee World Champion! 

“Being a world champ is the greatest honor you can have in Golden Tee.” Gomez exclaimed. “To have my name alongside all the greats is almost a dream come true. I can’t think of a better place to be! I feel extremely honored.”  

He plans to use his share of the $35,000 top prize for a trip to Wisconsin to visit friends and family, a shopping spree, and a spin or two on the famed Buffalo slot machine. 

Looking to the future, Gomez shared his aspirations: “I hope this victory will lead to bigger and better things for me on the National #GoldenTee Tour. Winning gives you confidence and a sense of relaxation.”  

Gomez has his work cut out for him during the second half of the 2024 National #GoldenTee Tour as we approach the Dallas Holiday Classic and the Player of the Year tournament in just a few short months.  Can the Cinderella story champion touch glory yet again in 2024?


Golden Tee PGA TOUR 2024
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