#RealTimeRival: Duffer Dan
He’s not a great golfer, but he’ll play for whatever you want. This bro knows no fear.

Real Time Rivals: Duffer Dan

When Golden Tee 2019 starts to get installed on thousands of games across the nation next Tuesday, John Daly's Real Time Rivals mode is sure to be a hit.

There are 9 different characters to choose from in three different divisions of this casual mode of play: bronze, silver and gold.

The bronze division is for the brand new players.  Everything these golfers do, should probably make you think otherwise for your own shot.

Let's meet the first golfer: Duffer Dan.

Duffer, by definition, is just somebody who isn't good at golf; very inexperienced.  This bro knows no fear and he'll play you for any amount of money.

The neighborhood hack has a handicap of -2.38 and will be a great opponent for new players or just about anybody who needs a friend to make their game look better!

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