The 2018 Design-a-Hole Contest
Get Your Dream Golf in Golden Tee and Win Your Own Game! The Fun Starts Now

For those who have always wanted to be more than a Golden Tee player or super fan, this is your moment. This is your chance. This is an opportunity to design the golf hole you have dreamed of—any par-3, par-4 or par-5—and watch that hole go from an idea to a livable, playable golf hole in Golden Tee 2018.

Welcome to the 2018 Design-a-Hole Contest, where Golden Tee dreams can become a reality.

And that’s not all. The winner of this year’s contest will take home their very own Golden Tee Home Edition—a $4,000 trophy. They will also be able to create their own 18-hole creation for a Freaky Friday, our Daily Contest playground.

Although the contest has been around for a decade, this year is different. The stakes are higher. The contest is bigger. Now is the time.


Here’s How to Make History

The nature of the contest is quite simple and outlined above: create a golf hole you believe would fit in Golden Tee 2018—and you are free and able to submit as many as you please before April 14—and that hole could historic.

Whether it’s one brilliant idea of a dozen brilliant ideas, we want to see what your brain is thinking when it comes to Golden Tee. We want to see that fantastic drivable par-4 you’ve been thinking about. Or that really thought-provoking par-5 that will push the player to make a decision. Or that par-3 that fans of the game will love and fear all at once.

How you present this golf hole is up to you: you can draw it, name, sketch it, build it and explain it. You can use crayons or your computer or the back of a napkin. You can build a diorama or craft a ransom note (which actually happened).

You don’t have to be an artist. Steal your children’s crayons if you have to and get to work. We won’t grade penmanship or quality. We’re looking for creative, unique golf holes that make Golden Tee sense.

Once you do that, you can submit your holes—and again, create as many as you please or have time for—to That’s it. Include your design, the par of the hole, a name for your hole (if it wins we’ll put a sign on the creation showcasing it as yours) and any information you think would be valuable.

You can also mail your creation if you want to the address below:

Design-A-Hole c/o

Incredible Technologies

200 Corporate Woods Parkway

Vernon Hills, IL, 60061

The submission period of the Design-a-Hole Contest will be open from Tuesday, February 28 until Friday, April 14. If you get your idea in by then, you have a shot.


Here’s What’s at Stake

Only one design submitted will become a part of Golden Tee 2018, although the rewards are far more encompassing than that.

Our winner will indeed become a part of their favorite game. If his/her design is ultimately picked, it will be played by millions of players in the year to come. This winner will also be able to play his/her design on their very own Golden Tee Home Edition.

This game will come equipped with a free one-year subscription. It will complete your basement or man cave. You will own your own Golden Tee, enough said.

This winner will also be able to create their own Freaky Friday to be played by thousands on the Daily Contest later this summer. You pick the holes from Golden Tee LIVE, we put them in the game. This will be the first time we allow someone from outside of IT to create their own playable 18-hole course, so yeah, we’re pumped to open up our doors.

But it’s not just about first place. There will be at least 10 finalists, all of whom will walk away with something for their efforts. All 10 finalists will receive a Golden Tee LIVE t-shirt and a Design-a-Hole 2018 FINALIST Player’s Card.

We will also give out the following goodies:

1st Place: Full Design-a-Hole Championship Package

2nd Place: Callaway XR 16 Driver and a $150 Golden Tee LIVE Gift Card

3rd Place: Odyssey Works Putter and a $100 Golden Tee LIVE Gift Card

4th Place through TBD: $50 Golden Tee LIVE Gift Card  


Here’s How Our Winner Will Be Decided

Once April 14 arrives, we will close the Design-a-Hole submission period. All hole designs MUST be in before then.

At that point, we will hand over all creations to our prestigious Design-a-Hole judges, headlined by course creator and Golden Tee co-creator Jim Zielinski. This team will spend the week dissecting all entries, narrowing this large group down to roughly 10 finalists.

Starting Monday, April 24, we will reveal one DAH finalist each business day for two weeks—or however long it takes.

At this point, we will ask the fans of and our various other social media outlets to help us decide a winner. This portion of the project is critical: whether you submitted a design or not, we want to see what you have to say about all 10 finalists. Your feedback matters!

On Friday, May 12, once all designs have been submitted we will reveal our Design-a-Hole winner. One person will then become much more than a fan of their favorite game.


Some Parting Design and Creative Advice

So what do you do? Where do you begin? Perhaps this helpful video will be of some assistance.

My advice is quite simple: don’t overthink this. Don’t worry about creating a golf hole inside a baseball stadium or a cave. In fact, please do not do this at all.

Make a good golf hole. That’s it. Make a golf hole that is unique, challenging and also fun to play. Make a golf hole that could fit on any course. Don’t limit yourself to a select location.

Make a golf hole that could naturally into Golden Tee. Be mindful of distances and clubs and everything that comes into play. If you can find the perfect mix and explain this design to the judges, a Golden Tee fortune can be yours.

Above all, enjoy yourself. In the end, we’re celebrating a game we all love by designing virtual golf holes. Enjoy yourself. And hey, who knows. You’re Golden Tee life could change forever.

Submit all your designs here: We cannot wait to see what you come up with.

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