Feature Tweaks
The Daily Contest and Money $hot Will Undergo Big Changes, Starting Nov. 1

Beginning on Tuesday, November 1, the structure and payouts for the Daily Contest and Money $hot will undergo a significant renovation—one that will offer some of the biggest guaranteed first-place prizes Golden Tee has ever seen.

We’ll get to the new payouts momentarily, but first here’s a note on the change. The prize pools will no longer increase throughout the day. They will be fixed prizes with acknowledged, guaranteed payouts. However, these prize amounts week-to-week will be fluid, meaning they can increase each week based on previous behavior.

For example, the play that comes in on a given Wednesday will ultimately be reflected on the following Wednesday. This will be how each day is evaluated across the entire week and across both features. The more play that comes in, the bigger the prizes the following week will be.

All payouts will be percentage based, which means the changes day-to-day and week-to-week will be reflective of these guaranteed payouts, often going above, but never below, the base payout structure.

Speaking of payout structure, you’ll notice some differences—some small, some big—in what these will be moving forward.

After a thorough analysis of both the behavior and numbers on Money $hot, we will be making significant tweaks to the prize payout formula.

There will still be an $800 guaranteed prize pool, but the top prize will see a dramatic increase from $125 to $200. A truly brilliant shot will now be awarded as such. Second place will double—rising from $50 to $100, while third place will climb to $50. We will now pay 100 spots deep, offering up increases at basically every single area.

These base payouts will be as follows, and again, they can increase based on play from the previous week.

1st $200

2nd $100

3rd $50

4th $40

5th $25

6th-10th $10

11th-20th $8

21st-30th $6

31st-50th $4

51st-75th $3

76th-100th $2

The Daily Contest will also be tweaked. The guaranteed prize pool will remain at $1,100, and the top 300 finishers will win prizes. First place will still be $100, although second place will now take home $75 rather than $60. We also bumped the payouts for those outside the top five but within the top 50.

These base payouts will be as follows:

1st $100

2nd $75

3rd $50

4th $30

5th $25

6th-10th $20

11th-20th $15

21st-30th $10

31st-50th $6

51st-75th $4

76th-100th $2

100th-300th $1

We believe these changes, on top of the addition of Freaky Fridays, the inclusion of 2017 (2016?) courses in the Daily Contests and new holes in Money $hot will only enhance the experience of these two popular game modes.

We will continue to monitor all of these features closely, as we have all along, and make adjustments as needed. Any significant changes will then be relayed prior to implementation.

Enjoy the changes, and be sure to take a crack at some of the biggest pay days the game has ever known, starting November 1.

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