Behold the 452-Yard Ace
The Longest Hole-in-One in LIVE History Has Been Found, and You Need to See It

So here’s the thing: In real life, you probably would struggle to hit a 452-yard hole-in-one. Let’s just put that on the table right now, and you can just nod along and move to the next paragraph. 

In Golden Tee, you would also struggle to do this because a) up until now, it has never happened before in the LIVE era and b) my goodness, 452 yards is a rather long distance.

This is all window dressing to tell you that someone just hit a rather absurd 452-yard hole-in-one on Hole 1 of Elkhorn Ridge. That someone is Golden Tee World Champion Andy Haas, and the shot itself is still rather hard to process.

So instead of telling you all about it, let’s show it to you instead. For those asking, this is indeed the longest hole-in-one of the YouTube era, which seems rather important given the hundreds of thousands of uploads that have taken place.

452 beautiful yards.  

Golden Tee PGA TOUR 2024
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