Goodness. This is true nightmare fuel at its finest. Welcome to #fashionFriday.
It turns out, many of you really enjoy dressing your golfer up as a terrifying clown. Good news for those of you who are nodding along right now. In Golden Tee 2017, you will have a new horrifying clown mask to wear. And it is horrifying.

We see the numbers when it comes to all GT Caddy/clothing purchases, and what became clear after only a few weeks into the 2016 era was that many of you liked wearing this headgear.
“Just looking at the numbers and the number of people who decided to purchase the clown mask, it was amazing to see what the interest was in this particular item,” art director Donna Lucania said. “So we decided to give the players more of what they wanted.”
If last year’s clown mask was scary, this one is in another realm of terror. Even taking the images for this piece, I had to stop myself and admire the sheer insanity of the creation. If you’re particularly fond of last year’s mask, by all means, continue to wear it with pride.

But if you’re looking for something new—something, well, different—then be sure to be on the lookout for this gem when 2017 hits. You'll also be able to add the matching shirt, pants and shows as well.
You can get it through your Golden Tee Caddy app on your Apple or Android device, which you really need to download now.