Sometimes you have to do things without a holiday or monthly trigger. So while looking at the calendar in early June, and mulling the potential dates to plan a special Money $hot event, we found ourselves looking at 6/6/16.
“Huh, that’s kind of a neat looking date, isn’t it?”
“Yeah, it sort of is.”
“Want to add $500 to the Money $hot prize pool and throw a special event on this day?”
“Yeah, that sounds nice.”
“Yeah, it kinda does.”
That is essentially how the 6/6/ SHOOTER campaign was born, which means you’ll have another opportunity to win enormous cash prizes on Monday, June 6. The starting prize pool will begin at $1,300, although it won’t stop there. The more play that comes in, the more it will grow.
All you have to do on this day is play Money $hot anytime between 12:01 a.m. and 11:59 p.m. central. Play as many games as you please—as many as you think it takes—to try to get as close to the pin as possible.
One magnificent effort is all it takes. One shot. Whether it comes on attempt one or attempt 100, you can take as many cracks at the hole as you please. When it’s all said and done, the top 300 players will walk away winners.
Join us on 6/6/16 for a little Money $hot fun. No excuse necessary. Let's do it.