Sunshine and Golden Tee.
If those two entities sound good to you in the moment—or any moment, for that matter—then the following is something you should consider: Power Events’ Golden Tee Tour kicks back into gear this weekend for the Florida Open.
The event, which has become a staple stop of the tour, will take place at Backstage Billiards in Orlando between February 18 and February 21. The sign-up list has boomed these last few weeks, although there’s always room for more.
Want to play in the first tournament of the year? Do you like warm weather? Cold drinks? Great Golden Tee and an overall good time?
If so, join us at Backstage.
Festivities commence on Thursday night with a double-elimination Closest-to-the-Pin event. Entry is just $10.
The next day, the focus will turn to the Handicap Tournament—an opportunity for any player in the room to win entry into the main event (about a quarter of the field will do just that). Entry into this event is $25.
On Saturday, the main event will kick off with a five-course qualifier on the 2016 courses at noon. The 32 players with the top combined scores will be placed into the Main Bracket. The rest of the field will play in the Purple Bracket—where there will still be big prizes at stake.
Double-elimination match play for both will take place on Sunday. Later that day, the first champion of the year will be crowned. Entry into the main event is $110. Included in this entry is a free buffet on Saturday along with a custom player card. Walk-ups are most certainly welcome.
Can’t make it? We’ll have you covered regardless.
In preparation for the Golden Tee Worlds, we will be testing out a new multi-cabinet stream—a way to (hopefully) look in on more than one match at a time. Tune into Goldentee.com or PEGTtour.com to see it in action.
Or, hopefully, see you there!