Finalist No. 1 to be Revealed on Monday
The 2016 Design-a-Hole Contest Ready for Phase Two

The judges have met. The meeting of the minds has concluded. The finalists for the 2016 Design-a-Hole Contest have been determined.

On Monday, you will see the very first one.

A group of more than 150 designs has been narrowed down to 10. It wasn’t easy—and it never is. It took hours of dissection and discussion. For the next part of this contest, however, the judges are putting it in your hands.

Starting on Monday, you—yes, you—will play a significant role in this contest. Each day we reveal a design, we’re relying on your feedback.

What do you like? Why do you like it? Is it your favorite of the bunch? What would you change?

These things matter, and we encourage to post these thoughts on the Golden Tee Facebook Page for each reveal.

Once all 10 designs have been shown, the judges will assess feedback and we will narrow it down one more time. Shortly after, a 2016 Design-a-Hole champion will be crowned. This design will immediately go to Jim Zielinski’s desk for its 2016 makeover.

Before we get to the finals on Monday, a quick thank you: Thank you to everyone who submitted a design this year. You are why we do the contest. Even the designs that were not selected displayed passion, creativity and above all, effort. Again, thank you, thank you, thank you.

Be here on Monday for the first reveal. We’re only getting started. 

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