If you’ve been looking for some help on the PowerPutt LIVE courses, then the following should be very good news.
Two of the game’s best players are set to duke it out on all six PowerPutt LIVE courses, and their match will be streamed online for the world to see. Power Events, who has done this before with Golden Tee, is now diving into the mini-golf world in a big, big way.
Missouri native Jeff Harlow (who also happens to be a Golden Tee World Champion) and long-time GT pro “Piano” Steve Dakin will duke it out at Red Fish Blue Fish in St. Charles, Missouri. Although Golden Tee is where they got started, they’ve since mastered a new form of golf.
Need help on a course, hole or, well, more than that? If so than you should absolutely tune in. The two will begin playing at 7:30 PM central time on Monday night, and you can watch the whole match right here. All six courses will be tackled and a winner will be crowned this evening.
They will be competing for a Power Events Gift Card using the following scoring system: One point will be awarded for each stroke under par, 1 point for every 10 thousand GSPs, 1 point for every hole-in-one and one point for every Ricochet Bonus.
Tune in for the match, get the pointers you need and improve your game by watching some of the best duke it out. We’ll see you all at 7:30 PM for the live stream. For more information on Power Events, visit their website.