And Then There Were Twelve
The Jim in Weston, Wisconsin Has Become The Hotbed of PowerPutt Excellence

For the second time in a week, a small bar in Wisconsin has taken control of the PowerPutt universe.

Richie Kersten was featured on LIVEWIRE last week for hitting a –30 playing at The Jim. This week, Roger Priebe is in the spotlight after he, too hit a –30 while playing at The Jim.

We’re not saying that cheese is the key to virtual mini-golf success, but the Wisconsin crew is doing something right. Congratulations to Roger on his superb game and we welcome him to the 30 Under Club!

Have you hit a –30 but aren’t in the club yet?

Email a photo of you in front of the game with your score in the background to IT, along with your name, mailing address, and the location you played at. You will then be added to the hallowed halls of the Thirty Under Club!

Good luck and we hope to hear from all of you soon!

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