2024 World Champ Quick Results!
Two Events. Two Champions. Lots of GT action!

GT WC 2024

Somehow it's hard to believe that the IT team was landing in Las Vegas nearly a week ago in preparation for not one, but two Golden Tee World Championship events!

While the IT team is working on the full recap coverage of the event, complete with photos, video clips, results and more, here is a brief recap of the last week of events:

Thursday's GTM Qualifying Rounds & Match Play

We kicked off the event strong with twenty-four Golden Tee Mobile players competing in qualifying rounds to set up the seeding for Friday's crowning of a 2024 Golden Tee Mobile World Champion!

Friday Crowning a 2024 Golden Tee Mobile World Champion

On Friday, the rooms of Greene Street at the Palms Casino Resort became full as we crowned not our first, but our second Two-Time Golden Tee Mobile World Champion in Rick Copithorne!


Friday Night Arcade Last Chance Target Rush Qualifier 

After the excitement of crowning a new Golden Tee Mobile World Champion, we turned our attention to the nearly sixty arcade players that traveled to Las Vegas to try and earn themselves a World Championship qualifying spot through Target Rush!  Nine qualifying spots were awarded on Friday night, although a tenth qualifying spot was open Saturday morning when another qualified player couldn't make it.

Saturday Five-Course Qualifier 

On Saturday, our field of ninety-six players was completely filled as players got ready to play in a five-course qualifier to determine which players would compete in the top 32 of the Championship Bracket, and a $35,000 top prize, and who would be filling up the sixty-four player Silver Bracket.

With 2022 Golden Tee World Champion Paul Luna, a newly-married man, (as in just got married in Las Vegas on Thursday, a GT World Championship first, but more on that later -- Congratulations Paul and Rachel!) sitting atop the qualifying leaderboard with an unbelievable -142 under, it was hard for him to not be an odds on favorite throughout the beginning hours of Sunday.

But, as we've seen more and more of lately in the world of competitive Golden Tee Golf, a few underdogs made their way towards the top of the Championship Bracket, including our brand new 2024 Golden Tee World Champion Mark Gomez!  It was an amazing, insane and competitive journey for the Team Wisconsin faithful, who now resides in Houston, Texas.  The emotion and passion can be seen in Gomez throughout the afternoon, but his Sunday journey is well worth the watch above!

A massive thank you to all of the Golden Tee players who traveled to Las Vegas over the last week.  This incredible event wouldn't mean as much without the players and community that love this game so much.  Thank you to the Palms Casino Resort for hosting us and taking care of us throughout the entire week, our #Incredible team that spent months and months preparing for this event, including spending the last week in Las Vegas pulling it off (as well as those who helped from afar).

There are so many excellent stories to tell from this event, but for now, enjoy your 4th of July holiday and we'll be back soon with more 2024 Golden Tee World Championship coverage!

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