Break The Dang Scoreboard
This Week's Freaky Friday Promises to Deliver Some of Craziest Scoring the Game Has Ever Seen

The goal this Friday is quite simple: We want to break the damn scoreboard.

We mean it, too. We want you to shoot Golden Tee scores that have never been shot before in nearly 30 years. We want to push the limits of what is possible in an 18-hole game.

20 under? 30 under? How about something closer to 50 under.

Perhaps it will be possible this week as we unleash our boldest, weirdest Freaky Friday on the Daily Contest. “Break the Scoreboard” is the title of this week’s theme, because that’s what we attend to do.

And on top of it all, the prize pool will be over $5,000—a first for Freaky Friday.

The course is made up of a mixture of par-5s and sometimes—if the setup cooperates—drivable par-5s. At the very least, you will six to seven (if not many more) par-5s that will be reached with a tee shot. Do the math here and you can see why we’re so excited. There will be great risk involved on many of these shots, but the even greater reward.

And yes, the timing of this is no coincidence. While you play hooky from work to watch college basketball with your trusty bracket, you can indulge in one of the most unique Golden Tee experiences ever. So don’t miss it. Prepare your best “I’m sick” excuse and work and develop that fake cough so you have the day to explore and post a score you never thought you’d ever see in a game of Golden Tee.

You don’t have to wait until Friday to get a taste. Here’s a look at the first six holes.

Golden Tee PGA TOUR 2024
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