We liked it so much, we’re doing it again. On Monday, August 1, to celebrate the greatest game ever made, we’re adding $1,000 to Money $hot.
Why? Heck, I dunno. Why not?
The last time we did it, you went nuts. So we’re doing it again in hopes that you’ll go nuts again.
Instead of the normal $800 starting prize pool, we’re beefing it up to $1,800. And instead of a starting top prize of $125, we’ll start things off at more than $250!
That’s part of the good news. The better news is that this prize pool will grow and grow and grow. The more you play, the higher it will go.
And yes, it costs just a buck to play. Win a fortune with one shot and some pocket change. Or, hone in and play as many times as it takes. The top 300 players will walk away winners. A handful of these 300 will walk away BIG winners.
All you have to do is play; join us for a little Money $hot Monday fun on August 1!