Presidents' Day Headgear
Unlock Abe Lincoln in Golden Tee 2014

It's Presidents' Day, and we're celebrating the only way we know how: by reminding you that you can now play as Abe Lincoln in Golden Tee 2014.

To unlock this very special giveaway item, just hit the "OPTIONS" button at any point during your LIVE game and highlight and select "GIVE AWAY CODE." From there simply type in 31ABEABE14 and you will unlock Lincoln. To equip this item, simply search for it under headwear.

And that's not all.

If you missed out on last year's Presidents' Day Giveaway Code - George Washington's head - here's how you can unlock him as well.

Follow the same process as above and type in 2120202020. From there you will get yet another president to play with. It may not improve your scores, but you'll look good trying.

Enjoy the "headwear" and happy Presidents' Day to all!

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