The PCC is Back!
Help us Pick a Charity for this Year's Must-See Golden Tee Event!

The Golden Tee Player's Charity Championship 4 is coming to Chicago in June.

We’ll get to all of the exciting happenings and what this weekend will bring—much of which can be found on the player’s site—but before we get there, we have some very important business to iron out.

Picking the charity.

The list of nominated charities is down to four, now it’s up to you ton decided the rest. To do so, please visit the charity voting page on Underdog and select which organization you’d like to see represented in the coming months.

Of course, there’s plenty of information to come: The tournament, how to enter (which you can sign up for now), the party, the real golf and how you can help make a difference while enjoying weekend you’ll never forget.

We’ll get to all that and more soon, but now we need you need to vote. Information on each charity is available on the page, and voting will close on January 17. At that time the winning charity will be decided.

There is so much to do and get to—and we will get to it. For now, be sure to vote and tune back in for much more!

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