Rank Arrow up down Name Nickname Best 10 Game Average Total Skill Pts
1 JON LASSITER PUTNHTR !. 275.20 83344
2 JON LASSITER JON L. 268.40 80132
3 Jon Lassiter WYLE B. 268.10 77459
4 BILLY D. BILLY D. 266.80 82818
5 #71 THREE. STEVE J. 266.00 80920
6 MIKE CORR. VIVAUKRN !. 265.60 77019
7 PAT STEVENS. PAT S. 265.20 78699
8 JOHN STAAB. JOHN S. 258.50 69703
9 PAUL THOMPSON. PAUL T. 252.40 60813
10 DAVID AZBELL. GLASS MAN !. 252.10 78052
11 #24 SILVERSTRIKE. I AM GROOT 251.80 65303
12 John Reeves JOHNNY PLATINUM 251.70 59643
13 Curtis Vining Curtis V. 249.20 67046
14 FRANK HALSEMA. FRANK H. 248.40 59276
15 RoseMarie Azbell RoseMarie A. 248.30 65324
16 Daniel Bour Daniel B. 247.90 61693
17 JOHN DEROBERTS. JOHN D. 247.50 56558
18 JOHNNY BUCKLEY. DB COOPER .. 247.40 60382
19 NASCAR MIKE NASCAR MIKE *. 247.20 60933
20 Timothy Thomas Timothy T. 247.20 56048
21 Eugene Nieman EJNIEMAN 246.60 60969
22 #7 IDEAL. RIVERRAT !. 246.40 58318
23 CAPT BUCK. FISH K. 245.50 67649
24 BISHOP G MR.BISHOP !. 245.40 62316
25 #176 EMPIRE. GINO C. 245.30 54670
26 FMK FMK. FREDDY K. 245.00 50248
27 GEORGE IRRGANG. GEORGE I. 244.40 63365
28 #1936 ALL. GAME .. 244.20 61685
29 BILL WHITEMAN LESTER *. 244.20 57133
30 #778 IDEAL. RANDY H. 244.20 54425
31 MIKE F MAGHRAK IRONMIKE .. 244.20 52982
32 Lawrence Markel PELOSI SUX 243.50 26199
33 SHANE MCCURRY. SHANE M .. 243.20 60457
34 IDEAL AMUSEMENT. STAN !. 242.80 47809
35 JIM STONE. GEM S. 242.70 55740
36 NEXGEN VENDING. ROBERT F. 241.80 48150
37 DAVID AZBELL. TIRE GUY X. 241.40 63458
38 JOHN COLLAR. JOHN C. 241.40 55279
39 IDEAL AMUSEMENT. INDIAN JIM .. 241.10 60184
40 WILLIAM BLAS. WILLIAM B. 240.60 57819
41 #4473 CAMDEN. RAY O. 240.20 59160
42 NEXGEN VENDING. JAMES M. 240.20 55983
43 ARNIE MARINELLI. ARNIE M. 239.90 52869
44 David Stevens David S. 239.60 60369
45 ROBERT SIMONS. DUSTYBALLS .. 239.30 60672
46 REHAB INN. REHAB I. 239.10 60987
47 STEVEN MOORE. STEVE M. 239.10 41365
49 Jordan Riley DARTH S. 238.80 53983
50 BRIAN T BAY BRIAN T B. 238.60 58824
Jump to Page: of 132

In the past, players never had a chance to see how their trackball skills stacked up against the rest of the Silver Strike world. With the debut of the Silver Strike World Rankings, however, those days are long gone.

Want to get your Silver Strike World Ranking? Of course you do, and here’s what you need to do.

Play ten online games on a Silver Strike LIVE cabinet in one month. That’s it. It’s as simple as that.

Your ten scores will then be averaged, and you can see where it stacks up. Once you’ve met the minimum requirements, don’t stop there. Your top ten scores for that month—assuming you play more than ten—will be the ones averaged together for an overall average.

Have a bad game? No worries, it won’t hurt your score.

The leaderboard will update daily, and you’ll be able to monitor your status throughout the month. Games played in Stats Bowling, Prize Contests, along with scores hit during a three-game series will all count towards your monthly rank.

Where do you stack up? See how you compare against the game's best or take home bragging rights against your buddies!

Note! If your Name is incorrect on the leaderboard, we can correct it for you! Fill out the form here and include your first and last name, along with your Persona ID (your 8-digit player card number).