Get ready to head into the weekend with a full mobile golf bag!
In Golden Tee Mobile, we have sales going live today, Tuesday, and the following Thursday! Make sure to check them out and read for more details!

It’s Combo Sale Time! Time for another 2 for 1 deal this week with this Epic Bundle filled with epic quantities! It’s Sniper golf balls and Gold Bars galore only available until this Monday, so get ‘em while they’re hot!

Wishing everyone safe and happy Fourth of July celebrations for this upcoming weekend! In your downtime of what could be a very busy weekend full of traveling, play some GTM with the help of some extra arsenal coming from the Caddy, Field, and Green Packs! Only available for sale until Wednesday, so grab them while you can!

It’s Rasta’s Month! End next week strong by getting ahold of the Special that Rasta has in store for us! Full of Snipers, Javelins, and Golden Tees, you should be set for the month of July! See for yourself before Monday, the 10th!
That's all we have for this week, mobile players! Stay tuned for next week's sales lineup!
Download Golden Tee Mobile FREE for Apple and Android devices today!
Apple: GoldenTee.com/Apple
Android: GoldenTee.com/Android