Happy Monday, mobile player! Hope you are all enjoying your long weekend so far!
This week in Golden Tee Mobile, we have sales that will go live today, Wednesday, and Friday! These are all for a limited time only so make sure to save these dates for a week full of bundles!
Here is the week's lineup for sales:

Don’t let Monday get you down! Just because the weekend’s over, doesn’t mean we can’t start the week off strong! With the Caddy and Field Packs up for sale, you’ll be going into the week with a heavy arsenal of Maniax and Snipers! Check them out before Wednesday!

Out with the May, in with the June! On Wednesday, get ahold of the last Super and Hole Out Packs of the month with Maniax, Snipers, Gold Bars, and more before this Friday!

Happy June! The first Sale of June is one that will not disappoint! On Friday we'll have an assortment of golf balls and a large number of Golden Tees to ensure that your arsenal is replenished. We also added in some Gold Bars for ya while we’re here! Enjoy, mobile players!
That's all for have for this week, mobile players! Stay tuned for next week's sales lineup!
Download Golden Tee Mobile FREE for Apple and Android devices today!
Apple: GoldenTee.com/Apple
Android: GoldenTee.com/Android